Taking Stock in September


Where did this summer go? These suddenly shorter September days remind us of the passing of another year. Another different summer where the pandemic has continued to affect most everyone in significant and varied ways.

For some of us, we intended to tackle an organizing or downsizing project this summer. That may or may not have happened. For others of us, that was the last thing on our minds with the demands of work and family. Or we may have spent every spare minute outside gulping in these precious days of summer.

And now it’s September. Have you once again considered tackling a house or garden project?

Is it time to take stock of what items could be downsized or organized before year-end?

Two questions can help us do this:

1. If I didn’t use this item in the first eight months of the year, will I use it now? And if not, can I let it go?  Consider garden decor and tools, kitchen utensils, and summer clothes that may not have been touched this year.  I take a leisurely wander through each part of my home, garden and yard, garage and outbuildings. As I do so, I make a mental note or a clipboard reminder of what items I can bid adieu on a sunny day in September. If I have an item that I had hoped to use this year but it is still sitting on the shelf, I am scheduling its use into my calendar now. If I didn't use it this year, it needs to go. 

2. If I let this item go, what else could I do that better fits with my current lifestyle or life desires?  I take another look at unused or under-utilized items in my home or garage. I gave up canning 10 years ago.  My cucumbers are still in the garden and seeds that never got planted are in an ice cream pail in the garage. It’s time I let all those canning jars go. Or I will repurpose them for pantry storage of dry goods. If I give up that unfulfilled goal or nagging ‘should’, how might I have time to safely connect with family, friends or my community in new ways this Fall?

What vague plans do you have that will likely never come to fruition in this harvest season? What items can you now let go?

There’s still three plus months left in the year. What event or project do you need to schedule to use the items that are waiting to jump off the shelf? Write a time into your calendar for active use to help you decide if you will keep them. 

Happy Taking Stock! Happy Letting Go! 

Need help with your organizing and downsizing challenges? I offer confidential and non-judgmental help. Scroll down for more information. And breathe in the cool crisp air of September.